Nondilutive funding (1)

Join VIC and our panel of experts from across the region as we discuss various types of capital and issues that entrepreneurs and startups encounter when accessing capital to include:

This series is open to the public and all are welcome to join!

Who should attend: Entrepreneurs, Startups, and Entrepreneur Resource Support


Nondilutive Funding

Join VIC as we explore different types of capital, including:

Proof of Concepts


and more

There will be time after the webinar for Q&A and small group discussion

Doors open at 3 for open networking and discussion. The Webinar begins at 3:30 and will end at 4:30. The final half hour will be dedicated to Q&A.

Please note that you will need an Airmeet account to attend and it works best with Chrome.

Follow this link for registration: